Friday, February 09, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith or Jimi Hendrix?

Try both.

  • You can see Anna Nicole Smith in her more pious poses (and some of those fabulous Playboy covers): "Vickie A.N. Smith, Alas"
  • What was the meaning of Jimi Hendrix's star-spangled ordnance at Woodstock? See Candide's Notebooks contributor Rick de Yampert's "Anthem to Jimi Hendrix"
Good weekend

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Of Vaccine Trials and Deaths Foretold

Good Morning. A few new items today...

  • Remember Bush declaring victory in the Iraq war on the USS Abraham Lincoln in May 2003? Even then, the writing of the mayhem to come was on the wall--or in the papers. See "Chronicle of Deaths Foretold."
More in the Daily Journal. Thanks for reading Candide's Notebooks. Spread the

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Taser Brutality in Our Schools

Good Morning. A couple of items today...

  • Last Thursday morning a 16-year-old special education student at a Florida high school was shot with a Taser by a school cop. It all began when the student refused to do his school work. He ended up with a felony charge and in juvenile detention. Welcome to our brave new America. See "Taser Brutality In Our Schools."
As always, thanks for reading... and welcome new subscribers. Spread the

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Cowards and Militarists

Good Morning. A few new items today. Cue up the Sousa.

  • When a society is no longer exclusively and vigilantly civil, its claim to be a civilized society, let alone a civilizing one, is in peril. Other countries have been discovering that about the United States . We’re discovering it at home, too, every time a police shield is flashed with the presumptive power of an M-16 burst. See "America's March Toward a Military State."
  • The Senate folds on an anti-war resolution. See "Cowards."
The best of the blogosphere and more crumbs and quickies in The Daily Journal. Thanks for

Monday, February 05, 2007


Good morning. A few new items as the sogginess outside our Floridian windows continues. In FEMA's absence, as always.

  • I didn't know who the Colts were and wasn't sure why the Bears were there, but commented the Superbowl anyway. See "The Superbowl, Semi-Live."
  • It's getting old: The Bush administration has been inventing a case for war against Iran out of thin air. See "Iran, the Muddle."
More in the Daily Journal. Thanks for