Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Live 2006 Midterm Elections Commentary

Going on right now at Candide's Notebooks...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Fizz

It's Election Day. Don't let your vote turn up missing on a milk carton. A couple of new items.

  • The Tuesday Column: It's the rope and a tree for Saddam. It's also still the wrong man. See "So We Have a Hanging..."
  • An all-Democratic Congress? A split? Another Republican sweep? See "Your Predictions," and join the fun.
Thanks for reading. And please: remember to drink before you

Monday, November 06, 2006

Saddam's Hanging Chad

Good morning. A few hanging items to start the week.

  • So Bush and his GOP got their November surprise, and it's a thick one. Saddam is to hang. See the bacchanal's complete roundup in Candide's Latest.
  • Don’t tell me that we’re not becoming, as an American society, meaner, stupider, more authoritarian, all in the name of security—“responsibility”—as we go about supposedly preserving these freedoms of ours. It doesn’t have to be Guantanamo to make the point. It’s in the little things, the everyday incidents of ordinary life around us, that hiss with the sound of freedom’s rug being pulled from under us. See "Outlawing Creative Subversions."
Thanks for reading. Remember to vote. Or not: Not voting is a right,