Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Bug Out! Bush and Blair Quit Iraq

Why is the American press ignoring the story of the day? Bush and Blair surrender: Iraq pull-out to begin in as little as two weeks. Here's how the British, Australian and Arab press see it:

Bush and Blair to bail from Iraq much sooner /UK Guardian
US-British Iraq pull-out to begin in two weeks /UK Times
Iraq’s prime minister says Iraqi troops in charge by December /The Australian
Iraqi forces to take charge in months /al-Jazeera and Beirut Daily Star
Which is the real Iraq? /UK Independent

Meanwhile, the Los Angeles Times leads with a laughable story about Iraqi leaders who "vow to fight rampant corruption," the New York Times, in full business-porn mode, leads with a story about the New York Stock Exchange's European tourism on one side of the page and an utterly conventional tabloid dish about Bill and Hillary Clinton on the other. The Times does its daily Iraq geuflexion, but in the form of a soft-scorn story about charities. And the Washington Post, that broadsheet two or three millimeters to the left of the Washington Times? The day is given over to narcissism. Something about that identity theft involving millions of veterans. (The Washington Moony Times, incidentally, is still frothing over its usual xenophobias.) And as usual in the provincial dailies that pretend to give us serious journalism, like the Dallas Morning news, the top story, on the web anyway, is all sports. Nice to see our national press on top of the news and ahead of the times--to borrow the New York Post's old slogan from the early 1980s. Today's front pages aren't any better than the old tabloid. Just less honest.