Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Racism Renewed: America's War on Immigrants

Khalid Abdul Muhammad was one of those Nation of Islam demagogues who won himself his 15 puddles of fame in 1993 when, in a speech to a New Jersey college audience, he called for genocide against whites, called Jews “bloodsuckers,” railed against the Pope and had some bile left over for homosexuals. It was an Exxon-Valdez-size toxic spill onto America’s multicultural ecology, where rumors of perfect rainbows had been premature anyway. For the media, here was a chance to stick it to the other side, to turn the tables and show how blacks do racism — all the while missing the larger picture: The racial shoals of the new century weren’t going to be black and white. Not predominantly so, at least. They were going to be brown, the brown of immigrants: Latin American, Arab, South Asian. It didn’t start with 9/11. Read the rest...